Dahl Custom Homes | Is Your Home Ready for Fall?
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prepare home for fall

Is Your Home Ready for Fall?

It is always amazing how quickly Summer fades into Fall. The sun begins to set earlier, the holidays are suddenly on your doorstep, and you know that cooler temperatures are just around the corner.

You may feel like there is plenty of time to get your home fall-ready, but time has a way of flying by before you have the opportunity to tackle everything on your to-do list. Here are a few ways to start readying your home for fall. And the good news? They won’t take you long at all! 

Don’t Yawn On Your Lawn

Your lawn is one of the most significant contributors to the curb appeal at your home, so don’t yawn on fertilizing your lawn! This is particularly important as temperatures begin to cool down. You want to ensure that your lawn is ready and protected for the winter, which will help it come back a vibrant and lush green in the springtime. 

Service Your Heater 

One of the biggest headaches for homeowners is flipping on the heater during the first cold spell only to find that it doesn’t work correctly. Start by simply turning your thermostat from cooling to heating, and you should hear the kick-on within a minute. If this doesn’t happen, reach out to a heating company to have your unit looked at. Now is also a great time to change out your air filters too. 

Clean Out Your Gutters

What do you get when you have clogged gutters that stream water down the side of your home? Potential foundation leaks that can flood your basement. Now is a great time to pull out your ladder and manually expel any loose leaves and debris from your home’s gutters. For the less DIY-inclined, gutter cleaning companies are an excellent alternative.

Put Away Lawn Equipment 

Fall is a great time to tackle your lawnmower, leaf blower, weed whacker, and other lawn equipment. This includes draining out fuel and oil from your machinery to ensure that deposits do not build up inside them. While they are preparing to be dormant for several months, you may also want to have the blades sharpened or replaced, so they are ready for spring.

Pay Attention to Outdoor Pipes

Spend some time outside your home taking inventory of the outdoor pipes and hoses that need attention. This also includes your sprinkler system! Those that are left unattended could have water inside that can freeze and cause your pipes and hoses to burst. Disconnect any outdoor hoses and place them in the garage, and make sure you turn off the outdoor water supply. Open up any spigots and let the water drain out, and run your sprinkler system one last time to eliminate any residual water.

Chim, Chimney 

Fall is the perfect time to get your chimney in good working order for the roaring fires you will undoubtedly want to enjoy! After all, nobody wants smoke, soot, and worst of all, carbon monoxide billowing into their home when they light the fireplace for the first time of the season. Your best bet here is to hire a professional chimney sweep service to assist you. And don’t neglect gas fireplaces either. They too need to be inspected annually for any cracks.

Service Your Snow Blower

You may feel like this list is comprised of a lot of maintenance for your tools, and it is, and for a good reason. With a relatively small window of time between fall and winter, it’s important that you swap out your spring and summer tools for those you’ll need in the winter. And this includes your snowblower. Remember how you drained the tanks on your lawn equipment? Well, you should’ve done the same with your snowblower after last winter, so make sure to refill it with fuel and oil so that it’s ready to go after the first snow.

For assistance with all of your home building needs in the Marion, Cedar Rapids, and Iowa City Corridor, please contact us. We specialize in custom home building and would love to assist you with your project! 

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